Q1. Unless you .... flour you...... make a cake.
A) Unless you hadn't had flour you couldn't make a cake.
B) Unless you hadn't have flour you can't make a cake
C) Unless you had have flour you can't make a cake
D) Unless you have flour you can't make a cake
E) Unless you had have flour you couldn't make a cake
Q2. If we ... some money we .... have a snack
A) If we have some money we would have a snack
B) If we had have some we would had have a snack
C) If we had some money we would had have a snack
D) If we had some money we would had have a snack
E) If we had some money we would have a snack
Q3. If the weather .... better I ... able to go out.
A) If the weather will be better i will be able to go out
B) If the weather getting better I'm able to go out
C) If the weather gets better I will be able to go out
D) If the weather is getting better i will be able to go out
E) If the weather will be better I am able to go out