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27 Juin 2009 0h42
   I do not if are films but: the small house and of the meadow and doctor quinn lady doctor

27 Juin 2009 17h39
Membre Confiance
Inscrit il y a 17 ans
468 msgs
   Doctor Quinn lady doctor isn't a movie. But, for the other, I cannot answer, I don't know what it is.

27 Juin 2009 17h47
   and you arabesque2 what is your favorite movie?

27 Juin 2009 22h43
Membre Confiance
Inscrit il y a 17 ans
468 msgs
   To be honest, I never think of a movie I could consider like my favorite...

I think I saw too many movies and too many series to choose one of them for favorite.

 Message n°8252 (Arabesque2) supprimé
9 Juil. 2009 9h37
28 ans,
97 quizz   21 sujets

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
795 msgs
   Hello everybody, I understand your messages but I don't speak englis very well
But I'm fine too

9 Juil. 2009 9h37
28 ans,
97 quizz   21 sujets

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
795 msgs
   *Sorry EngliSH

9 Juil. 2009 22h14
Membre Confiance
Inscrit il y a 17 ans
468 msgs
   Hello lillie, as I can see, you're a new member. Welcome! Hope you enjoy!

10 Juil. 2009 10h31
28 ans,
97 quizz   21 sujets

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
795 msgs
   Thank you

15 Aout 2009 17h39
28 ans,
97 quizz   21 sujets

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
795 msgs
   Come everybody
But even if you do not know very well you can try not?

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