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23 Aout 2009 23h19
To arabesk2
syncronised means french speaking in english or american movies.frendly.
| 0 0 |
24 Aout 2009 22h52
To Arabetc.More simply:Original Version.By the way,the picture of that american building,was pretty cool.
| 0 0 |
29 Sept. 2009 22h27
34 ans,
étudiante en biologie
2 sujets
Inscrit il y a 15 ans
38 msgs
i'am new with you
how are you
fine ? what is your news?
| 0 0 |
29 Sept. 2009 23h03
34 ans,
étudiante en biologie
2 sujets
Inscrit il y a 15 ans
38 msgs
yes of corse in english and please when i do mistake said me if you want
arabesque you are from canada
can you talk me about life in canada
| 0 0 |
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