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23 Aout 2009 15h02
Membre Confiance
65 ans, Roosendaal
10 quizz   5 sujets

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
493 msgs
   why are the french so bad in other languages?I think because the movies and tv are syncronised.
Wat doe you think?

23 Aout 2009 17h32
Membre Confiance
Inscrit il y a 17 ans
468 msgs
   What do you mean by ''syncronised''?

23 Aout 2009 23h19
Membre Confiance
65 ans, Roosendaal
10 quizz   5 sujets

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
493 msgs
   To arabesk2
syncronised means french speaking in english or american movies.frendly.

24 Aout 2009 21h01
Membre Confiance
Inscrit il y a 17 ans
468 msgs
   To Glu etc.

They make some anglicism, right. That's waht you were meaning, is that right?

Hope so. Because, I'm not sure to fallow.

24 Aout 2009 22h52
Membre Confiance
65 ans, Roosendaal
10 quizz   5 sujets

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
493 msgs
   To Arabetc.More simply:Original Version.By the way,the picture of that american building,was pretty cool.

29 Sept. 2009 22h27
34 ans,
étudiante en biologie
   2 sujets

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
38 msgs
i'am new with you
how are you
fine ? what is your news?

29 Sept. 2009 22h53
Membre Confiance
Inscrit il y a 17 ans
468 msgs
   Glu. etc.

Which picture are you talking about?

Mari17, welcome. You talk about anything you want to talk about but... in english.


29 Sept. 2009 23h03
34 ans,
étudiante en biologie
   2 sujets

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
38 msgs
   yes of corse in english and please when i do mistake said me if you want
arabesque you are from canada
can you talk me about life in canada

1er Oct. 2009 16h26
Membre Confiance

 20 ans,
43 quizz   22 sujets

Inscrit le 12 Jan. 2009
779 msgs
   He, I'm sorry : C'est juste pour dire que vous vous ètes très bon en anglais

2 Oct. 2009 2h02
Membre Confiance
Inscrit il y a 17 ans
468 msgs

How is the life in Canada?

First, don't think we live in the middle of a forest with beavers and others animals like that. We are civilized people who goes to school or to work each five days and around eight hours for a day.

I don't know exactly wht you want me to tell you about, just precise your question please.

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