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Sujet Verrouillé
2 Oct. 2009 21h41
34 ans,
étudiante en biologie
   2 sujets

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
38 msgs
   thank you arabesque
i wanna have some informations aboute famous places for exemple
and if people speak franch mor or english
me i'm student in biology branch and i teach peaople and you?

22 Oct. 2009 21h40
31 ans, Alger
18 quizz   9 sujets

Inscrit il y a 16 ans
107 msgs
   hi i'm fine

22 Oct. 2009 21h41
31 ans, Alger
18 quizz   9 sujets

Inscrit il y a 16 ans
107 msgs
   dear timw we say much better and not very better and you made one of the very speared mistakes in english
friendly momoki

22 Oct. 2009 21h45
31 ans, Alger
18 quizz   9 sujets

Inscrit il y a 16 ans
107 msgs
   dear arabesque
concerning me i want to know if the canadian treat the strangers as fair as the others

23 Oct. 2009 0h43
Membre Confiance
Inscrit il y a 17 ans
468 msgs
   Momoki, why we wouldn't?

Everybody is equal and should be, anywhere in the entire world. What do you think about that, heah?

13 Nov. 2009 15h48

 15 ans,
1 quizz   4 sujets

Inscrit le 13 Nov. 2009
36 msgs
   hello, can I speak with you in english ? I love english !

23 Fév. 2010 11h51

 17 ans,
 Collégien (4ème)
7 quizz   21 sujets

Inscrit le 21 Fév. 2010
964 msgs
   Hello !

29 Mai 2010 5h59
   I am not sure this forum is still working. nevertheless I try.
Hello evribody!

29 Mai 2010 9h06
28 ans, *********
7 quizz   10 sujets

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
409 msgs
   I am going to try all the same too. Hello! Good morning!

3 Juin 2010 6h50
   I'm afraid there is not a lot of people wishing to speak english ?

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