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2 Oct. 2009 21h41
34 ans,
étudiante en biologie
2 sujets
Inscrit il y a 15 ans
38 msgs
thank you arabesque
i wanna have some informations aboute famous places for exemple
and if people speak franch mor or english
me i'm student in biology branch and i teach peaople and you?
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22 Oct. 2009 21h40
hi i'm fine
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22 Oct. 2009 21h41
dear timw we say much better and not very better and you made one of the very speared mistakes in english
friendly momoki
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22 Oct. 2009 21h45
dear arabesque
concerning me i want to know if the canadian treat the strangers as fair as the others
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23 Fév. 2010 11h51
Hello !
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29 Mai 2010 5h59
I am not sure this forum is still working. nevertheless I try.
Hello evribody!
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29 Mai 2010 9h06
I am going to try all the same too. Hello! Good morning!
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3 Juin 2010 6h50
I'm afraid there is not a lot of people wishing to speak english ?
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