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3 Juin 2010 19h14
Membre Premium
32 ans,
Eje expatriée au canada
99 quizz   62 sujets

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
7191 msgs
   I speak english too !

4 Juin 2010 0h18
63 ans, Les anses d'arlet
1 quizz   1 sujet

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
311 msgs
   Hello everybody,

Sorry its the first time I see this topic.

Arabesque2 your post about life in Canada made me laugh, because I had a friend from Montreal who said he had never been to school with polar bears.

Nice day to all of you.

5 Juil. 2010 15h31
Membre Confiance

 18 ans,
 Lycéenne en 2nde
43 quizz   6 sujets

Inscrit le 29 Aout 2009
202 msgs
   Speak english is very difficult without a good translator...but I think I can do it !

5 Juil. 2010 15h43
Membre Premium
32 ans,
Eje expatriée au canada
99 quizz   62 sujets

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
7191 msgs
   Yes, you can do it !

14 Juil. 2010 13h28

Inscrit il y a 15 ans
1 msgs
   In my opinion, English is one of the easiest language ever.

14 Juil. 2010 16h46
Membre Confiance
Inscrit il y a 17 ans
468 msgs
   Long time no see!

Mari17: Quebec's an old city. Not as old as some in France or England but still. In Quebec city there's Frontenac's castle. That's really a pretty place. From that castle we can see the St-Lawrence. There're much more attractions and famous places to visit. If you have a specific idea concerning that, you can write about. I'll try to answer you as clearly as I can...

Nhelene: You know, once, someone asked me if Quebecers were living in the middle of the forest in a log cabin... He also thought I was chasing with Indians, using a bow and arrows. So... I do beleive you when you say that you're friend from Montreal doesn't go to school with bears... I'd never get animals in my classroom. Except a fish.

Licker: English isn't an hard language to learn because it is more used to express what we think than french. Also, French as more verb tenses and is more a ''great language to ear''. See my point of view?

Bonne fête nationale française!

11 Aout 2010 16h44

 19 ans,
14 quizz   1 sujet

Inscrit le 14 Avril 2010
8 msgs
   i am tunisan and the tunisians speak french but i think that french sucks, cause it is hard (plz dont be mad ) any way, i like english, and i have a quiz in english about the simpsons plz try it

11 Aout 2010 17h
Administrateur Quizz.biz
Inscrit il y a 15 ans
12601 msgs
   Les quizz en anglais sont à proposer sur la version anglaise de quizz.biz, https://www.quiz.biz . Ton quizz aurait dû être invalidé.

11 Aout 2010 17h09
   Good afternoon!!!

30 Oct. 2010 23h37

132 quizz   10 sujets

Inscrit le 2 Mars 2010
333 msgs
   Hi ! I'm a new member on tha topic and I did wanted to you tel : I'm not verry good in english because I am young but mayby the topic can help me for begin better at english (if you don't understand, say il, please )

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