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Quiz Aerosmith

8 joués - il y a 8 ans

À partir de paroles de leurs chansons, essayez de deviner ces titres du groupe Aerosmith.


Question 1 / 8

"Cruise into a bar on the shore, her picture graced the grime on the door..." est extrait de :

Question 2 / 8

"You got your mama's style
But you're yesterday's child to me..." est extrait de :

Question 3 / 8

"See-saw swingin' with the boys in the school
With your feet flyin' up in the air..." est extrait de :

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Question 4 / 8

"I got a girlfriend with the hoochy-coochy eyes
cause in the pink she look so fine..." est extrait de :

Question 5 / 8

"Talk about things and nobody cares
Wearing other things that nobody wears..." est extrait de :

Question 6 / 8

"Happy just to be in lust
Never have to eat no dust
Everybody talk about..." est extrait de :

Question 7 / 8

"They tell me that love is blind
I really need a girl like an open book
to read between the lines..." est extrait de :

Question 8 / 8

"Ridin' into town alone by the light of the moon
I'm lookin' for old Sukie Jones, she crazy horse saloon..." est extrait de :