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Quiz Musique - Imagine Dragons (Paroles)

190 joués - il y a 5 ans

Le test ultime sur les paroles des musiques faites par Imagine Dragons !

Bonne chance !


Question 1 / 10
À quelle musique appartient cette phrase ?, 
"Hell and Silence, i can't fight it, i can't fight it"

À quelle musique appartient cette phrase ?,
"Hell and Silence, i can't fight it, i can't fight it"

Question 2 / 10

À quelle musique appartient cette phrase ?
" Welcome to the new age
To the new age "

Question 3 / 10
A quelle musique appartient ce couplet : 
"Doesn't matter if we've gone too far
Doesn't matter if it's all okay
Doesn't matter if it's not our day"

A quelle musique appartient ce couplet :
"Doesn't matter if we've gone too far
Doesn't matter if it's all okay
Doesn't matter if it's not our day"

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Question 4 / 10
À quelle musique appartient ce couplet ?
"When the days are cold
And the cards all fold
And the saints we see
Are all made of gold"

À quelle musique appartient ce couplet ?
"When the days are cold
And the cards all fold
And the saints we see
Are all made of gold"

Question 5 / 10
À quelle musique appartient ce couplet ? 
"You tell me to hold on ?
Oh, you tell me to hold on ?
But innocence is gone
And what was right is wrong"

À quelle musique appartient ce couplet ?
"You tell me to hold on ?
Oh, you tell me to hold on ?
But innocence is gone
And what was right is wrong"

Question 6 / 10
À quelle musique appartient ce couplet ? 
"I'm sorry for everything
Oh everything I've done"

À quelle musique appartient ce couplet ?
"I'm sorry for everything
Oh everything I've done"

Question 7 / 10
À quelle musique appartient ce couplet ?
"I was broken from a young age
Taking my soul into the masses
Write down my poems for the few
That looked at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me
Singing from heart ache, from the pain
Take up my message from the veins
Speaking my lesson from the brain
Seeing the beauty through the..."

À quelle musique appartient ce couplet ?
"I was broken from a young age
Taking my soul into the masses
Write down my poems for the few
That looked at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me
Singing from heart ache, from the pain
Take up my message from the veins
Speaking my lesson from the brain
Seeing the beauty through the..."

Question 8 / 10
À quelle musique appartient ce couplet ? 
"I wanna be the slip, slip
Word upon your lip, lip
Letter that you rip, rip
Break me down and build me up"

À quelle musique appartient ce couplet ?
"I wanna be the slip, slip
Word upon your lip, lip
Letter that you rip, rip
Break me down and build me up"

Question 9 / 10
À quelle musique appartient ce couplet ? 
"I torture you
Take my hand through the flames
I torture you
I'm a slave to your games

À quelle musique appartient ce couplet ?
"I torture you
Take my hand through the flames
I torture you
I'm a slave to your games

Question 10 / 10
À quelle musique appartient ce couplet ? 
"But looking to the ways at the ones before me
Looking for the path of the young and lonely
I don't want to hear about what to do
I don't want to do it just to do it for you"

À quelle musique appartient ce couplet ?
"But looking to the ways at the ones before me
Looking for the path of the young and lonely
I don't want to hear about what to do
I don't want to do it just to do it for you"