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Mythology - quiz en anglais

76 joués - il y a 13 ans

Pourrez-vous identifier ces figures de la mythologie au moyen d'un chiffre pour indice ?


Question 1 / 9

De quels monstres s'agit-il ? - ' Giant monsters with one eye in the center of the forehead ', we are :

Question 2 / 9

Quels monstres sommes-nous ? - ' Fabulous creatures, half men and half horses. We live in herds on Mt. Pelion ( Greece) ', we are :

Question 3 / 9

Qui suis-je ? - ' I'm a three-headed dog. The heads represent past, present and future. I guard the gates of Hades. ' My name is :

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Question 4 / 9

Quel dieu cache cette définition ? - ' I'm a popular figure of the Indian pantheon, represented with the head of an elephant and four arms ', I'm :

Question 5 / 9

De quelle déesse s'agit-il ? - ' I'm a sea goddess living underneath a rock at one side of the Strait of Messina. I've got 6 long necks and I represent a danger for every sailor. I'm :

Question 6 / 9

Quelles déesses sommes-nous ? - ' Daughters of Atlas and Pleione, we are 7 sisters. When we were pursued by the giant Orion, Zeus transformed us first into doves and then into stars'. We are :

Question 7 / 9

De quelle monture s'agit-il ? -' In Norse legends, I'm said to be the fastest horse. I'm Odin's eight legged horse carrying him with the swiftness of the winds across the world'. I'm :

Question 8 / 9

Qui suis-je ? - ' Venomous serpent with nine human heads, Hercules killed me by chopping off each head ', I'm :

Question 9 / 9

Quel géant cache cette définition ? - ' I'm a giant with a hundred eyes. I'm considered all-seeing as only a few eyes would sleep at a time while the other ones are awake. ' My name is :