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Quiz Fairy Tales - Les contes de fées en anglais

1 615 joués - il y a 13 ans

I do believe in fairies ! Si tu crois aux fées et que tu as passé ton enfance dans les contes de fées, ce quiz est fait pour toi !


Question 1 / 10
Comment se traduit en anglais :  Le Petit Chaperon rouge  ?

Comment se traduit en anglais : "Le Petit Chaperon rouge" ?

Question 2 / 10
In this fairy tale, who the little girl will visit ?

In this fairy tale, who the little girl will visit ?

Question 3 / 10

Lisez la phrase suivante et complétez le blanc : "I'm going to see my grandmother. She ... ... ... ... . in a house beside those trees. "

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Question 4 / 10

Lisez le début de "Jack and the Beanstalk" : "Once upon a time there was a boy called Jack. He lived with his mother. They were very poor. All they had was a cow". What is the boy's name ?

Question 5 / 10

Why are the beans magic ?

Question 6 / 10

Lisez le début de cette histoire : "Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Goldilocks". According to you what is the name of this fairy tale ?

Question 7 / 10

"When she walked in the forest, she saw a house. She knocked at the door, nobody was there. She was very hungry and she saw three bowls... " Trouvez un synonyme de "very hungry".

Question 8 / 10

Lisez et complétez le blanc : "She decided to eat one porridge but one of them was too hot, the other too cold, and the last one was ... ... . "

Question 9 / 10

Répondez à la question du professeur de littérature : "Which of these fairy tales's characters don't exist ? "

Question 10 / 10

Mark devait écrire son propre conte de fées. Ci-dessous les deux premières lignes. Trouvez le début d'histoire rédigé sans faute.