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Quiz De quelles chansons sont tirées ces paroles ?

107 joués - il y a 12 ans

À vous de dire de quelles chansons sont extraites ces paroles


Question 1 / 7

Francis Cabrel : "Elle vit de son mieux / Son rêve d'opaline / Elle danse au milieu / Des forêts qu'elle dessine... "

Question 2 / 7

Rihanna : "When the sun shines, we'll shine together. Told you I'll be here forever. Said I'll always be a friend. Took an oath, I'll stick it out till the end... "

Question 3 / 7

Lady Gaga : "If everything was everything but everything is over / Everything could be everything if only we were older / I guess it's just a silly song about you / And how I lost you... "

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Question 4 / 7

Adele : "I heard that you're settled down / That you found a girl and you're married now / I heard that your dreams came true / Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you. Old friend, why are you so shy ? "

Question 5 / 7

Usher : "Baby let me love you down-nn / There's so many ways to love ya / Baby I can break you down-nn / There's so many ways to love ya"

Question 6 / 7

Michael Jackson : "It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark / Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart"

Question 7 / 7

Selena Gomez : It's been said and done / Every beautiful thought's been already sung /And I guess right now, here's another one"

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