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Quiz Vampire diaries

Quiz Vampire Diaries : citations en anglais (1, 2, 3, 4)

294 joués - il y a 11 ans

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Question 1 / 12

Qui a dit : "When someone asks "How are you ? ", they really don't want an answer. " ?

Question 2 / 12

Qui a dit : "Anyone. Anytime. Anyplace. " ?

Question 3 / 12

Qui a dit : "You and Katherine have lot more in common than just looks. " ?

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Question 4 / 12

Qui a dit : "You're right, facts are facts. You're maybe my father but I'm never going to be your daughter. " ?

Question 5 / 12

Qui a dit : "Do you honestly believe than I don't have a plan B and if that fails a plan C than a plan D and... you now how the alphabet works, don't you ? " ?

Question 6 / 12

Qui a dit : "Aren't you worried one day that all the forest animals will band together and fight back ? After all they talk. " ?

Question 7 / 12

Qui a dit : "Katherine there are 6 other bedrooms in the manor, go find one. " ?

Question 8 / 12

Qui a dit : "Stefan likes puppy blood. Cute floppy ears. That's his favorite. " ?

Question 9 / 12

Qui a dit : "I'm not saying that you have any attractive look. I'm just saying this is my least favorite one. " ? Et à qui ?

Question 10 / 12

Qui a dit : "Your friend will be dead by the weekend, which means I've broken one of your rules, and yet I can't be killed. I am immortal. Who has the power now, friend ? " ?

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Question 11 / 12

Qui a dit : "I'm the girl that you love, you wouldn't do anything for actually hurt me, you just proved that. So what am I really have to be afraid of it ? " ?

Question 12 / 12

Qui a écrit : "It's been fun five centuries Klaus. But I've worn out too many good heels running from you. Love... and hate. " ?